Risk Management on the River Dodder Flood Alleviation Scheme, Dublin
The River Dodder Flood Alleviation Scheme involved the construction of flood defence walls, flood defence embankments, flood gates, the infilling of bridge parapets and associated drainage services along both banks of the Dodder in Dublin 4, from Lansdowne Road Railway Bridge to the first Smurfit Weir. The objective was to increase the flood defence levels to cope with the worst modelled 1 in 200-year river (fluvial) and tidal event. Rubicon were the appointed heritage consultancy for the project, which was undertaken by the Office of Public Works (OPW) on behalf of Dublin City Council over a seven-year period.
The Rubicon team undertook a Desk Based Assessment (DBA) in advance of the works to identify the archaeological, architectural, and cultural heritage sites at risk of impact from the proposed development. This was followed by an inspection of the sites identified during the DBA via a river-bank walkover and inspection survey, in addition to archaeological monitoring of in-river works along the entire route. |