Rubicon has extensive experience providing archaeological and heritage services for road and rail projects in Ireland. We deal with your archaeological requirements from planning stage through to construction and beyond. Over the course of the last two decades Rubicon has carried out archaeological test trenching and excavation on over 500 archaeological sites on road and rail projects, covering well over 300 km of road and rail infrastructure. Rubicon’s track record for delivery is second to none and we have developed an unrivalled reputation for delivery on time and within budget. SEE FEATURED PROJECTS
Housing and Commercial
We can guide our clients through all stages of the archaeological process in order to meet planning requirements. Our experience ranges from complex multi-phase urban developments through to rural one-off housing. A client-orientated approach has helped us to establish customer loyalty and develop a reputation for efficiency, problem-solving and value for money. We strive to anticipate issues and implement solutions that meet our clients’ needs, making sure the development proceeds smoothly and to programme.
Renewable energy resources are a critical and growing component of Irish energy supply as we move towards increased sustainability and clean power sources. The infrastructural necessity for increased energy capacity and water management works brings with it a need for archaeological investigation. Such projects often deal with upland and marine environments, areas where Rubicon have considerable expertise. We have worked on Ireland’s first offshore windfarm project and the UK’s largest onshore complex. Our traditional energy portfolio includes the first electricity interconnector built between Britain and Ireland. Rubicon bring the full range of experience on a wide range of energy projects, including; solar and wind energy, flood alleviation schemes, waste-water treatment facilities, drainage works and water supply. SEE FEATURED PROJECTS
Public Amenities
The development of schools, hospitals and other public amenity buildings often results in a necessity for archaeological and built heritage investigations. We have experience throughout this sector, having acted as archaeological consultants on diverse projects ranging from school and hospital projects through to major central government buildings and country-wide broadband rollout. Rubicon understands the needs of clients who are managing what are often complex, high-profile and sensitive developments. Using a reliable and issue-sensitive approach, we help to guide such projects through the planning process and beyond. SEE FEATURED PROJECTS
Community Outreach
Rubicon have a long tradition of involvement in heritage projects and outreach, an area the business is passionate about. Our team’s expertise has seen us undertake many important heritage projects for both the public and private sectors, ranging from heritage inventories and audits through to ground-breaking survey work on entire monument classes types. Our outreach services cover both academic and popular publication, child and young adult learning events, public speaking engagements and the preparation of exhibitions. In addition to experienced heritage professionals Rubicon’s team includes survey and graphics departments who assist in providing these services.
Post-excavation is the work that remains to be done after an archaeological site excavation has been completed. It is not necessarily the end of a project, as there may be further groundworks to facilitate or the intention for future publication. However, it does represent the coming together of the site archive, artefact assemblage and specialist research to form the final archaeological report – preserving the site by record once the excavation has demolished the physical site. Rubicon has an in-house post-excavation team who, along with our wider network of consultants and specialists, create a comprehensive programme of works tailored to the needs of each individual project. Whether it’s environmental sample processing, finds numbering, specialist analysis, report writing, graphics or archiving – we can do it all. SEE FEATURED PROJECTS