Archaeological monitoring requires an archaeologist to be on site during groundworks to maintain a watching brief in order to identify and record any archaeological remains that may be present. Over the years, Rubicon has successfully monitored countless projects across Ireland. Our experienced team delivers an efficient and cost-effective service, minimising disruption to our clients.
Archaeological testing is usually a requirement of archaeological planning conditions. It generally takes the form of a series of exploratory trenches opened under archaeological direction across the footprint of a development in order to evaluate and record the nature of any archaeological features that may be present on the site. Rubicon employs a strategic programme of test trenching that is unique to each site to allow for an informed decision on how best to deal with any archaeology identified before construction work commences.
Archaeological excavation may be carried out where the preservation of archaeological remains in situ is not possible. Rubicon works closely with our clients to ensure methodologies, budgets and time frames are agreed in advance of works and delivered with professionalism and expertise. Any sites or areas of major risk are highlighted at an early stage to assess the impact more accurately to the excavation timetable and to co-ordinate an appropriate mitigation strategy. All our excavation services are carried out under licence issued by the National Monuments Service.
Effective logistical planning is crucial to the smooth workflow of any development. Some pre-excavation considerations might include: identifying the location of overhead and underground services, defining buffer zones for areas of danger or areas under protection, traffic management plans to allow for safe access to the site. Ongoing groundworks also navigate continuous logistics concerns; the supply of tools and PPE, site fencing and signage for health and safety, secure facilities for site staff. Here at Rubicon we have a dedicated in-house logistics team, well-versed in the constantly evolving logistics requirements of archaeological site work.
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