A Rescue Excavation at St Lawrence’s National School, Crookstown, Co. Kildare
Rubicon carried out a rescue excavation at the site of a new National School in Crookstown, where a number of unexpected human remains were discovered during the construction programme. Effective liaison with the design team, the school board, the National Museum of Ireland and archaeologists from the National Monuments Service brought about a practicable solution for all parties. The resulting mitigation strategy involved the excavation of 18 individuals (12 articulated adults, one disarticulated adult and five articulated children), with a further eight individuals preserved in situ. The returned radiocarbon dates indicated that the burials belonged to the post-medieval/early modern period (c. AD 1720-1867). Analysis of the remains suggested the burials may have a direct relation to the Great Famine of 1845-52.